30 May
6 Oct
THX Axel
more info:
15 May
Watch the banned cartoon that Denmark used to get young people to vote.
6 Mar
Sadly it is a fake, but it would be sooo awesome! But hey, nice cameos in the video.
more “info”: 😉
2 Mar
Als kleines Extra gibt es noch ein Video eines Wallaby Gerangels. Natürlich ist der Grund der Auseinandersetzung einmal mehr das weibliche Geschlecht… 😉
Aufgenommen am Strand des Cape Hillsborough Nationalparks.
(video is available in HD)
1 Mar
Wir haben in letzter Zeit mehrere Flüge hinter uns gebracht und jedes Mal wieder das exakt gleiche “Safety Instructions” Video gesehen. Weil das natürlich nicht genügt zwei Mal pro Flug, einmal englisch einmal arabisch. Schön dass es Airlines gibt die versuchen diese Monotonie zu brechen.
Let me present to you: Safety in Paradise by Air New Zealand
11 Mar
The Harlem Shake is an Internet meme in the form of a video in which a group of people performs a comedy sketch accompanied by a short excerpt from the song “Harlem Shake”. As a meme, the video was replicated by many people, using the same concept, and this rapidly led to it becoming viral in early February 2013, with thousands of “Harlem Shake” videos being made and uploaded to YouTube every day at the height of its popularity.
The form of the meme was established in a video uploaded on February 2 by five teenagers from Queensland, Australia known on YouTube as The Sunny Coast Skate. The video started a viral trend of people uploading their own “Harlem Shake” videos to YouTube. The teenagers’ video was, in its turn, a follow-up to a video by a YouTube comedy vlogger named Filthy Frank which featured a section where several costumed people danced to the song “Harlem Shake” by Baauer.
Harlem Shake Compilation:
ÖSV (austrian alpine ski team) doing the harlem shake:
1 Feb
Introducing a groundbreaking technique that seamlessly merges computer-generated and hand-drawn animation techniques, first-time director John Kahrs takes the art of animation in a bold new direction with the Oscar®-nominated short, “Paperman.” Using a minimalist black-and-white style, the short follows the story of a lonely young man in mid-century New York City, whose destiny takes an unexpected turn after a chance meeting with a beautiful woman on his morning commute. Convinced the girl of his dreams is gone forever, he gets a second chance when he spots her in a skyscraper window across the avenue from his office. With only his heart, imagination and a stack of papers to get her attention, his efforts are no match for what the fates have in store for him. Created by a small, innovative team working at Walt Disney Animation Studios, “Paperman” pushes the animation medium in an exciting new direction.
13 Jul
Immer wieder gibt es Ohrwurm Phänomene die meistens – extrem nervig – den Kopf einfach nicht mehr verlassen wollen. Rezent das bescheide Musikstück von Carly Rae im anspruchsvollen Text 4- Zeiler… Das Internet, vor allem YouTube, ist voll von Reaktionen und Remakes auf das Musikvideo.
Heute habe ich endlich eine Version gefunden, die auch mir das Lied näher bringen kann. 😀
THX Martin
The Miami Dolphins Cheerleaders shot their 2013 Swimsuit Calendar in the beautiful Dominican Republic. We decided to have a little fun and make our own cover of Carly Rae’s “Call Me Maybe”. We hope you enjoy!
more info:
12 May
Das Jahr 2012 steht für Actionfilm Fans unter einem verdammt guten Stern. “The Avengers” (btw. sehr sehenswerter Film, vor allem wenn man die Prequels gesehen hat), “Batman: The Dark Knight Rises” (wird fix ein Burner) und natürlich “The Expendables 2“. Von letzterem hatte ich ja schon bereits gepostet. Nun ist der erste Trailer veröffentlicht worden und treibt einen die Freudentränen in die Augen. Actiontrash aller erster Güte!
Ich lehn mich mal etwas aus dem Fenster und sag schon vorab: MUST SEE! 😀
more info: