10 Jan
What is Winter-een-mas?Winter-een-mas is a holiday of sorts. More specifically, it is a celebration of video games and the people that play them. Video games allow us to do things, go places, see stuff, that we couldn’t do in real life. They can be an escape from reality, a release after a long day, a fun activity with friends, or just an enjoyable way to pass time. They give us a lot of entertainment. So why shouldn’t they be celebrated?
When exactly is Winter-een-mas?
Winter-een-mas lasts for a whole week, which is always the very last week in January, the 25th through the 31st. The entire month of January constitutes the Winter-een-mas season, very similar to the “christmas season”, where people begin to gear up for the holiday, and get into the spirit of things
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We couldn´t do in real life?
Hast des, dass Cranium Basher den i gestern am Typ auf da StraÃ?n abkauft hab, gar ned echt is? Diese MADE. Mei ganzes Gold weg…
Tjo, do hod di ana gscheid dran griagt! 😉 Woher host bitte sovü Gold ghobt, wenn i frogn derf?
I hab erm im Austausch meine Power Treads geben, und den Rest draufzahlt. Ma, des geht mi so an! Die Power Treads weg! Und an falschen Basher! WWWAAAHHH!
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