Cycle Chic began its bloglife back in June 2007 when journalist, film director and photographer Mikael Colville-Andersen decided to put a growing number of his photos about Copenhagen’s bicycle culture into one place on the internet.

A series of social documentary photos about Copenhagen started to include a number of shots of life in the World’s Cycling Capital, including fashionable Copenhageners on their bicycles. The feedback about these photos was positive and there was clearly a growing interest abroad in seeing how the bicycle was an integral part of life in the Danish capital. Specifically about how Copenhageners have demystified the bicycle and use it without any form of bicycle ‘gear’. Just as the bicycle was meant to be ridden when invented.

What happened after Cycle Chic was launched took everyone by surprise. There wasn’t any content on the internet relating to “girls on bikes” or combining style and fashion with the humble bicycle. Colville-Andersen coined the phrase “Cycle Chic” to describe the art of riding bicycles in regular, preferably fashionable, clothes and things started to accelerate.

The very first photo has been referred to as The Photo That Launched A Million Bicycles.

This Cycle Chic blog launched a global movement, a fashion trend and the imminent return of the bicycle as transport to the urban landscape.


Copenhagen Bicycle Against Yellow Wall 11

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